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The Sonoma County Mothers of Multiples club was founded in 1993 and is located and open to all parents of multiples that live in or around Sonoma County. The purpose of the club is to bring together expectant and current parents of multiples, provide resources for support and multiple-related needs, provide education benefits and programs concerning children and parenting, participate in research concerning multiples and/or siblings, and to provide social opportunities for members and their families.  

Meet the Current Board
President: April

Board Responsibilities:I run the meetings, am the official representative of the organization, and delegate tasks to the different board positions.

Funny parenting moment: When my girls make up words to songs and belt it out like divas!

Favorite family tradition:  Halloween!! 

If there was one mommy duty that you would never have to do again, what would it be? Pack a diaper bag.  More like a diaper suitcase with twins.

Favorite part of raising multiples: Eating their leftovers. Twice as much!!

Vice President & Parlimentarian: Mags

 Board Responsibilities: I am the Vice President 

Funny parenting moment: When my kids make deep observations like, "Big trucks don't go to preschool."

Favorite family tradition: Singing together

If there was one mommy duty that you would never have to do again, what would it be? Cleaning the potty - we are so glad potty training has been achieved!

Favorite part of raising multiples: Laughing twice as much :)


Events Coordinator: Linda

Board Responsibilities:
 I set up group events.

Funny parenting moment: Walking into a grocery store pushing a double stroller in front of me and dragging a cart with my son behind me. Such a scene! You get lots of looks, but also feel like a super woman.

Favorite family tradition: Celebrating my son's birthday on December 1st and then decorating for Christmas the next day. 

If there was one mommy duty that you would never have to do again, what would it be? Changing diapers of course. 

Favorite part of raising multiples: Watching their bond grow and seeing their own personalities shine through. 
Treasurer: Beth

 Board Responsibilities: I do the money. 

Funny parenting moment: That time my kids were laughing so hard that milk came out their nose!

Favorite family tradition: 3 am feedings.  Kidding.

If there was one mommy duty that you would never have to do again, what would it be?  3 am feedings.  Not kidding.

Favorite part of raising multiples:  Synchronized laughing


Meals Coordinator: Candice

Board Responsibilities: Coordinate meal delivery to new mothers of multiples. 

Funny parenting moment: 

Favorite family tradition: 

If there was one more mommy duty that you would never have to do again, what would it be?:

Favorite part of raising multiples:

Member Services and Member Admin: Kelly

Board Responsibilities: Membership / new member welcoming and send Membership numbers to National

Funny parenting momentI said "You scared the crap out of me!" in front of my 4 year old and now its his favorite thing to say, especially in public
Favorite family tradition: Instead of reading before bed my husband and I tell our kids made up stories that include silly characters. We incorporate our kids into the stories and they love it.

If there was one mommy duty that you would never have to do again, what would it be?
 I really disliked potty training our son. It felt like it took forever and it was hard to be patient. I still have our twin daughters to potty train when they get older. Fingers crossed it will be easier with them 😉

Favorite part of raising multiples: I love seeing how our girls interact with each other. They are just about to turn 1 and they follow each other all over the house. My other favorite is watching there big brother play with them. He is so protective over them and it warms my heart to see the 3 of them sitting together on the floor playing.

Media Services - Website: Jacquelyn

Board Responsibilities: Maintain the website and send out text and email communications.

Funny parenting moment: I just love hearing the funny things the kids say. For example, my oldest loves to drive past Flamingo Hotel to see the flamingo on top, but before he knew it was called a flamingo, he called it the "animal on the stick."

Favorite family tradition: Our family dance parties. They cure any kind of mood in our house and are a perfect way to get the wiggles out before bed. 

If there was one mommy duty that you would never have to do again, what would it be? Cleaning up after meal time; food is thrown everywhere!

Favorite part of raising multiplesI love seeing how different they are (even though they are identical twins!). They have such different personalities. We also love to mess with family and put them in shirts with the other twin's name and see if anyone notices.

NCA Rep: Kim

Board Responsibilities:
 I am the contact between SCMoM and NCA.

Funny parenting moment: Every night my husband and I sing songs with the boys before they go to bed. We always end with the song Skidamarink. In the song you say “I love you” at the end and we always say their names. One night the boys kept singing additional verses: “I love you Mama, I love you Dada, I love you Grandma...” My husband noticed they didn’t say Papa (his dad and their grandpa) so my husband sang, “I love you Papa,” and the boys just burst out laughing uncontrollably. They just kept laughing and laughing and my husband and I laughed as well. We still don’t know why it was so funny but we love that memory we all shared together. 

Favorite family tradition: Setting up and decorating the Christmas tree. I loved this as a child and now with my own children. I can’t wait for this Christmas! We are going to surprise the boys with a train circling around the base of the Christmas tree

If there was one mommy duty that you would never have to do again, what would it be?  Cooking dinner 

Favorite part of raising multiples: Seeing the bond between my two boys. Also, since birth my husband has had to be an equal parent helping with the boys. He can do everything child related the same as me. I don’t feel worried if I leave the house and the boys are with their dad. He’s got it covered! 

Newsletter:  Alysia

Board Responsibilities: I create our seasonal newsletters! I look at all of the event over the last season and put them in a Google pages doc and make it look cute and uniform.

Funny parenting moment: With 4 kids, there have definitely been many! Most recently, my 6 year old had a kink in her neck and I work as a massage therapist at a luxury resort. I asked her if she wanted a massage and she said, yes please. I began to massage her and she said, “wow mom! You’re way better at this than dad.” To which I said, “well I hope so! This is actually what I do EVERYDAY that I go to work!” Her eyes widened and she said, “mom, you’re a legend.” I have been given many compliments on my technique, but nothing could ever compare to being told that my skills are “legendary” by one of my daughters.

Favorite family tradition: In 2020, my oldest asked me if limos were extinct and it birthed one of our favorite family traditions! Each December, all of my family rents a party bus, we put all of the kids in Christmas pj’s and we go look at Christmas lights around Sonoma County. We’ve named our crew “The Itty Bitty Light Committee”, catch us in a festive party bus near you!

If there was one mommy duty that you would never have to do again, what would it be? Easy… LAUNDRY! I actually enjoy each step EXCEPT putting it away… why is that the hardest part?!

Favorite part of raising multiples: So far, I just love being able to watch them grow together. I still catch myself watching them in awe just running around the house. Their little language, the way the kiss and hug (or throw hands and fight), and their obsession with shoes.. I love it all!